When Lucifer fell from Heaven, St. Michael,
who had led the faithful armies of God against
the rebel hosts, took his place as chief of the Archangels
and Angels before the Throne of God.
Henceforth he was to be the leader in the warfare
of good against evil, of Heaven against Hell. This
was the reward of his obedience. We shall never
rise high in God's service unless we are children
of obedience. Then, and then only, will He trust
and honor and exalt us.
What was the secret of St. Michael's power?
It was his ever-present recognition of the sovereignty
of God. It is because there was no interference
of self with the absolute and perfect dominion
of God over every thought and action. His name
signifies, "Who is like to God?' Pray for this continual recognition of the exclusive claim of God.
Pray that in all temptaion you may say, 'Who is
like to God?' What is all else in comparison with
Before St. Michael Satan trembles, recognizing
in him the authority of the Omnipotent God.
It was St. Michael who had to guard the body
of Moses from the devil, who sought to wrest it
from his hands. It is St. Michael who will marshal
the dead to the Last Judgment. It is St. Michael
who is the defender of all faithful souls in the
hour of death. Ask him to defend you in that awful
hour and save you from the power of the Evil